Xavier-Charles Duplessis, Notasulga High School

Walk outside and tell me what you see. When I step foot outside of my door, I can envision the future of this great Macon County. The first word that pops in my mind when I think of my county is potential. Potential is having the capacity to develop, succeed, or become something much better. I am proud to say that I am a citizen of Macon County, but I refuse to settle for less because I have several higher expectations for my community.

Where I’m from it’s much different than here. Most people call me a “city boy,” and I have never lived in such a small city/county as this. While living in New Orleans, I always had something to do on the weekends with friends. But here in Macon County it’s way different from that and where I was brought up as a child. But I had to get used to it and adapt to it the best way I could. I guess you can say I did that because I got involved in many things.

In the future, Macon County will no longer be known as the area near Auburn, Alabama but actually Macon County. Our community will be bigger than life itself one day. One thing that will definitely change in the future will be the negativity in our area. I would really like to see everyone coming together as one. Throughout the number of years that I have live in this community, I haven’t heard anything but down talk about Tuskegee, Notasulga, and Shorter, rather than building the communities up with positivity. That’s something that has to change to promote a brighter future for Macon County.

People may ride through the county and think it’s a joke. They don’t know the history of this great county like we know it. But very soon people from all over the world will want to come and see what great changes that the county will make. Hopefully I can witness these changes being made soon before I go to college.

When you think of Macon County only a few things well pop to your head we all know what they are: Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver, Frank Walker, and last but not least Tuskegee University. But it shouldn’t be like that; it should be people knowing about the schools and not the crime that has been going on this county. We as a people of this great county need to come together and help each other with something, because you have to start out small in order to grow big. But I can see us doing just that.

According to the United States census bureau there are over 21,000 people in this particular county which is surprising to me. Our community is predominantly black but for the future of Macon County we should embrace ethnicity. All races such as Caucasian, Native Americans, or Chinese would benefit from the future our county holds.

Another thing that comes to mind when I think of Macon County’s future status is dollar signs. The future would hold a better economy and opportunity. There would be an expansion of Macon County to make it bigger and better. It would be like the start of something new. Our community would include more business, restaurants, mall, movie theater, and several other recreational activities. The businesses in Macon County would boom and put us on top!

In conclusion, I would consider a county like Macon County as a town under major and well-needed reconstruction. We have a long way to go to get where we want and need to be—on the top of the world. I hope that I’m not the only one that has huge hopes and aspirations for my community because I know that greatness is on the rise. Our county has the potential to be better, and with the right push we can steer the future of Macon County in the right direction.

11 responses to “Xavier-Charles Duplessis, Notasulga High School

  1. Carolyn Bettis

    BEAUTIFUL!! I am very proud of Xavier. Expect great things from this young man!

  2. Good job, Xavier. I am proud of you.

  3. Amber Berry-Moore

    I love your voice in this article!

  4. Cheryl Thompson

    Xavier-Charles Duplessis you are always amazing me!!!! Great job and keep up the good work!!!

  5. Violet Duplessis-Matthews

    Poppa Xa,
    I am so proud of you!! Continue to be that LIGHT that shines so bright in Macon County that we can see it in New Orleans!
    Teedy Violet

  6. Angel M. Duplessis

    Xavier- Charles I’m so proud of you. I have always told you were a great man and would do great things. This is only the begain son. Love mommy

  7. Monique Schley

    Wonderful…I’m proud of you!

  8. Good job Xavier!! Keep up the good work

  9. Joseph Matthews

    Good job Xavier, continue doing what you are doing and God will open doors and windows on your behalf, Uncle Joe

  10. Great job, Xavier! I am very proud of you!

  11. Great Job Xavier I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work.

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